2016 Fun

As 2015 finished off, we also celebrated Bret's birthday. When I asked the kids what they wanted to give him for his birthday, they said, "A peacock." You can tell, right?  In January, he was released from being Bishop of Harvard Ward as it was dissolved after 80 years. Our new ward, Jefferson, had a fun welcoming party that involved a pie eating contest. Bret got a bit of help from me.

One of their favorite Christmas gifts was a parachute. It helped us pass long cold winter days and made play dates more exciting.

Over a year ago we discovered a community sponsored play group that meets twice a week. They read stories, sing songs, make crafts, and eat snacks. We've loved making friends with new people, both moms and kids. This picture is from their Christmas party.  Another favorite place to spend time is the library. We have about five we go to regularly, either for story time, or for arts and crafts. Just playing with their toys is enough entertainment for us.

In February we did potty training. It went much better than anticipated, especially considering Ward was only 22 months. After two weeks I had no qualms about taking them out and about to our usual play dates and library visits. We're still using diapers over night, though. Later that month we got to attend the newest Provo Temple's open house. 

We got a membership to Tracy Aviary, a mere 10 minute walk from our home. We've enjoyed going there as a family, with friends, and with cousins who come visit us during their Spring Break.

We were excited to plant seeds as soon as possible, and probably planted a few sooner than we should have. A freak hail storm killed some young starts, but it was fun to play in once the warm sun came out. We spent time outside as much as possible, soaking up all the warmth we could find. This was from a visit to Red Butte Gardens with friends.

Ward celebrated his second birthday in the spring. He had a "bugs and slugs" theme.

Easter was a treat as usual, just the normal egg hunting at home, at Grandma's, at playgroup parties, etc. Holidays for toddlers seem to be one fun thing after another.

To kick off the summer season, Sarah's family had a reunion at Aspen Grove. We stayed in a little rustic cabin, and ever since the kids refer to family vacations as "going to a cabin." We certainly enjoyed all that cousin time, especially as it was followed up with a wedding for Sarah's oldest sister. The kids got throw rose petals during the ceremony.

For Joyce's birthday we celebrated at the splash pad in our local park. Joyce requested stars for her party. Her favorite gifts came from others: a My Little Pony jacket from her birth mom, and a scooter from Grandma.

The bulk of our summer was filled with play dates, pool parties, trips to the zoo, the library, climbing at parks, riding trains and horses at Heritage Park, eating popsicles, playing in the backyard, getting together with family, generally enjoying being outside. 

Being spoiled at the zoo by aunt and uncle.

A slightly wet butterfly at the zoo's splash pad.

Joyce loves her friend, Baby Elly.
Labor Day party with Idaho cousins in Wyoming.

Garbage day=Truck watching
Some root beer at Robinson's 4th of July party. 

Mom, make brown popsicles!

We can't go to the library without getting lots of stamps. 

"All aboard! Full steam ahead!"
Riding their favorite pony at Heritage Park, Chip.

Piles and piles of chalk.

We had far too many of these.

Later in the summer we gathered with Bret's family for a reunion at Rockin' R Ranch. The last time we were there Joyce was only two weeks old. Just like last time, it was a blast.

Watching horses at sunrise.
Riding ponies like a natural!

Family wagon ride through the town of Antimony. 

We finished off summer celebrating Sarah's birthday with horses, of course. Doesn't everyone love horses?

With the end of the year near, we continued to spend as much time as possible outside.

Painting leaves with leaves.

Minnie Mouse and "fire engine."
"Five little noodles, sitting on my fingers..."

Snow around Silver Lake in early October.
Sunday morning fun with Dad. 
Watching the diggers at work, a few doors down.

The year certainly has flown by, full of fun times watching our two little toddlers explore their world. Every day is a new adventure for us all. We are grateful for the few constants that keep us grounded: weekly sacrament partaking, daily prayer and hugs, constant love of family and friends. Thank you for sharing so much of your love with us!

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